Invention patent number: ZL 2014 1 06540982
Technical features
1.Back pull action (ensure axial length)
2.Key slot type basic claw (powerful and steady)
3.Compensation clamp (the clamping jaw is with multi-directional swing function)
4.Centrifugal force compensation (overcome high-speed rotation)
1.Used for tow top ways for machining axis parts
2.Clamping is convenient, relying on orientation of center hole for rapid clamping
3.The workpiece can be aligned by reference diameter of !xed top, and clamping jaw only provides driving torque and pulls back to a !xed reference point.
A series floating jaw actuating chuck
This is a state-patent product, with independent intellectual property.
This chuck complies with the national standard in connection form (in terms of short-column connection); Users are unnecessary to alter the structure of machine tool and what you have to do is to provide the flangers in compliance with the machine tool and the chuck (it takes approximately one hour to install).